10 Things You Didn’t Realize Might Be Caused by Your Trauma

Going through a traumatic event can wreak havoc on your life. Everyone responds to trauma differently, and you might experience signs of it right away. But it’s also possible that you don’t experience any symptoms for years. Understandably, some trauma symptoms are more obvious than others, and there’s a chance you’re struggling with its effects without even realizing it at first. 

The sooner you recognize your trauma triggers and symptoms, though, the sooner you can get to the underlying root of what you’re dealing with.  Trauma often gets worse over time, so it’s important to reach out and get the help you deserve.

A Trauma Therapists Thoughts on 10 signs of Trauma

With that in mind, let’s take a look at 10 signs of trauma. Of course, not everyone is the same, but knowing these “smaller” red flags can make a big difference in recognizing you are struggling with the effects of trauma.

  1. Internalizing Your Problems

Image of a woman sipping from a mug while in bed. Showing the negative sings of trauma & its trauma symptoms. A trauma therapist can help you start feeling more life yourself.

If you ever feel like something is “off,” or there are some days where you feel anxious or depressed and can’t figure out why then it may be caused by past trauma and how you have learned to cope.  Some people who have been through a traumatic experience (or many) internalize these feelings and come to the conclusion that whatever feels “off” must be due to a deficit or defect within themselves.

Internalizing, however, only makes matters worse. That’s why you must trust your gut and recognize the feeling of something abnormal within your mind or body.

2. Feeling Overwhelmed

There’s no question that we live in a stressful society, but if you continuously find yourself feeling overwhelmed by certain situations, you could be experiencing a trauma trigger.  It could be a reaction to a specific trigger (a past person/ place/thought/etc. that is connected to your trauma). Or you may feel as though you are overwhelmed by everything. You may struggle with functioning at the level you want to function at, or struggle to cope with small stressors.  Feeling overwhelmed may cause you to withdraw, or lash out.  You may feel damaged or flawed because you are struggling.

3. Trouble Dealing with Daily Life

When you feel overwhelmed, daily routines, chores, work, and even your social life can take a hit. If you seem to have trouble just getting through the day without feeling completely burnt out, there’s a reason why. As you might expect, this can lead to excessive stress and complicate feelings of anxiety or depression.

Everyone has “off” days, but it’s a sign of something deeper if all of yours feel draining and overwhelming. 

4. Mood Swings

Do you ever feel like your mood darkens for no reason? It can be scary to experience, but it does happen to people dealing with trauma. You’ll know when it happens, and you probably won’t like the way you feel.  Long term effects of trauma affect how our brain copes with stressors.  Sometimes it ramps up our anger so that we are ready to fight, sometimes it makes us hyper-aware and drives up our anxiety, and other times it depresses us to provide protection (such as from the fear of rejection, for example.) If you’ve been swinging back and forth between all these emotions, it could also be a sign that you’re struggling with the effects of trauma.

Image of a woman in green pants looking pensive. Representing someone who might benefit from seeing a trauma therapist in Pleasanton, CA. You can start feeling better with emotional trauma therapy and online trauma therapy in California.

5. Sensing Danger

In addition to mood swings, you might also suddenly have feelings of fear throughout the day, as though danger is lurking just around the corner. You may feel on edge or jumpy. You may want to hide away because something feels “scary”, or that something “bad” is about to happen. Your brain is on high alert because it is trying to protect you from perceived threats even though none may actually exist.

6. Feeling Numb

Do you ever feel emotionally numb? You might recognize that you should be feeling something, but it just doesn’t seem to happen? It can be scary when you can’t feel your emotions.  Emotional numbness is often used as a natural defense mechanism. Your mind might be causing it to protect you from thinking about the trauma you experienced or the pain the trauma caused. It’s often referred to as dissociation.  You may be afraid to begin to feel things again, because you have not felt for so long that you imagine that beginning to feel again will overwhelm you.

7. Constantly Confused

If you have trouble staying focused throughout the day, it could result from many different things. Stress, fatigue, and even digital distractions can cause confusion if you lose your concentration. But if your lack of focus is so severe that you’re more often confused or forgetful than not, then it could be an underlying sign of trauma. You might also find yourself feeling flustered by your confusion or even frustrated by it.

8. Poor Decision Making

The effects of trauma may lead to changes in your ability to make healthy decisions. As a result, you might start to make poor choices in your relationships, career, and other areas of your life. That makes it harder to manage your stress levels and can start a vicious cycle of bad experiences and added stress. If you had childhood trauma, then you may have been making unhealthy choices as long as you can remember.

9. Negative Self-Image

Image of a person riding a bike on a gravel road. Showing the joy and freedom that can come with meeting a trauma therapist in Pleasanton, CA. Get support through trauma therapy in Pleasanton, CA.

People who have experienced trauma often start to develop a negative image of themselves. If you rarely struggled with self-esteem in the past but now see yourself in a negative light, then it could be due to your traumatic experience. If you experienced trauma in childhood, then you may have developed negative beliefs about yourself which continue to affect you.  You may even start to blame yourself for what happened, no matter how long ago it was. You may blame yourself when people mistreat you now. 

10. Letting Others Control You

Along with having a negative self-image, you might start to let others have more control of your life. That can lead to emotionally abusive relationships, problems with friendships, and problems at work.  You might start to feel incapable of making your own decisions, so you become more co-dependent. Even when you depend on people you can trust, it’s not a healthy way to live. 

It’s easy to recognize some signs of trauma, but some of these issues that are less commonly attributed to trauma are just as serious and just as important to notice. So keep them in mind if you’ve ever been through a traumatic event. The sooner you recognize them, the sooner you can reach out for help. 

Start EMDR With A Trauma Therapist in Pleasanton, CA

If you identify with any of the things listed above know that it doesn’t have to keep being that way. A trauma therapist can help you heal and live without the weight of trauma symptoms. Find out how EMDR therapy in Pleasanton or online trauma therapy can help you begin to heal by following these steps:

  1. Reach out to speak with an understanding trauma therapist

  2. Schedule your first trauma therapy appointment

  3. Start addressing your trauma symptoms so you can feel better

Other Therapy Services I Offer in Pleasanton, CA

I specialize in different types of trauma therapy including PTSD treatment, CPTSD treatment, and emotional trauma therapy. However, I do also offer EMDR for depression and anxiety. With online therapy, you can receive support from anywhere in California not just Pleasanton.


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